Monday, 2 June 2014

American taste from LiQueen

Was last Ejuce from LiQueen today next liquid

American Cola Intense ELiquid

Are you ready to feel the taste of cola when you will be vaping!!!!
Very interesting and modern taste from one of the best manufacturer eliquids (LiQueen)
A surprisingly fresh and extraordinary taste of cola
Who does not like Cola? During vaping Cola flavor spreads to the palate similar to the glass of cold drink
Eoil is made from the highest quality products tested and certified laboratories in Europe
American Cola Intense eliquid reflects flavor of cola like no other on the market !!
Perfect and ideal warm cloud of dopant Cola this is what everyone was waiting ...

Liquids best reflect the taste on the high-end devices like :

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Ejuce from LiQueen

Perfectly suitable for the set ( E Cig Ego-W Visione CC 1100mAh ) from the previous entry is  ejuce Very Strawberry Liqueen  from well known manufacturer LiQueen
It is characterized by the lack of artificial taste and very pronounced taste of slightly sweet strawberries, very pretty cloud of strawberry madness :)

The LiQueen 10 ml is an equivalent of 5 packs of regular cigarettes.With just one bottle of this eliquid enjoy    e-smoking for longer.

There are different flavors :
and many more.!!!!
Try one of them and make your choice!
 With its aromatic flavors you will be 100% satisfied with the e-smoking experience.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Best ecigarette set for start

                                    Was claromizer Ce4+  in the previous post and now it's time for the entire set 

Our one of the best-selling set : E Cig Ego-W Visione CC 1100mAh
This set contains everything you need to begin the adventure with esmoking
Very powerful battery ensures a sufficient supply of energy to operate the equipment throughout the day .
Claromizers available in this set are distinguished by great flavor of taste.

Two high-capacity batteries ego 1100mha
Two well known brand clararomizer Vision CC / V3
Nice black  case
plus 10mil ejuce from Blue Mist 

The battery and included vison cc/v3 clearomizer work great.

I've used the eGo battery with the included vison cc as well with VISION VT, VIVI NOVASLIM and ANYVAPASPIRE BDC , all of this have worked great with this battery. The charger and black case are nice and functional .

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Clearomizer - great low price for smoking all e-liquids and e-juce

We presented in the previous post claromizer  H2 by Lambo

CE4 is now a standard on the market
It is a top coil clearomizer that often comes in 510 tread. Clear plastic for see how much e-liquid you  got in the tank. Screw in  mouthpiece which  oring seals around the atomiser  for stops leakage.
This claromizer is compatible with all 510 tread batteries.
Good Points
It gives a nice, heavy cloud of steam. Good thing about CE4 clearomizer is that it is , really easy to re-fill. 
You don't need to have needle cap. Fill directly from bottle, just attention that e-juce  doesn't enter  the hole in the middle.
Don’t  started to vape too soon. Allow a few of minutes for wicks to absorb the e-juce !!
This looks very well with Ego,Spiner and Evod  batteries.
 That's why this type of clearomizer is often sold on market

Do not started to vape it at too high voltage. We found the  best voltage for them is the low one - 
3.0v - 3.5v

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Great clearomizer from Lambo

I described in the previous post  well suited for use with this claromizer batteries ---

New in Shop - battery for all ecig

Now :


Clearomizer has lower heater unit in a transparent cover allows you to track the status of eliquid, has a system of universal coil head 
Heater used in this claromizer replaceable heating elements are standard for such products as Protank, protank 2 and protank mini.

I would recommend to all esmokers


Monday, 19 May 2014

New in Shop - battery for all ecig

In the previous section we presented Baterry EGO V V3 now we will deal with something new in our shop.

The Battery EVOD 1100mAh is new version of the normal eGo battery, which is the most popular e-Cigarette battery . Evod Batteries has voltage of 3.7 V which will provide consistent vapor production from any ejuce or eliquid
5-Click On/Off function which can help prevent unwanted use.
Pressing the Button 5 (click) times in a row to turn ON-OFF

Evod  a  will allow use of most  510 / eGo  Atomizers, Clearomizers and  rebuildable atomizers

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Baterry EGO V V3

With pleasure we would like to present the upcoming product to the
Baterry EGO V V3 Passthrough 1300mAh
The EGO-V V3 adjustable voltage from 3.0v to 6.0v. Also includes wattage adjustment feature of 3 - 15w. LCD screen to show the voltage,wattage as well as the remaining battery life. The eGo-V V3 have mini USB port at the bottom. This unit is compatible with all 510 threaded accessories.

Monday, 21 April 2014


A great mod with engraved caravel 
Available with 3 tubes for the battery 
Made of stainless steel with a copper pin for connection to the battery 
Head fastening the 510 fits all claromizers from our store

                                       Only at 

Monday, 31 March 2014

Next upcoming product !!
Great looking device and finished off really well,threads working lovely and smoothly to the overall finnish of the product

It's a great mod! Hits like a train and built like a tank.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

We want to inform the HAMMER MOD will be available in our offer soon

The Hammer mod is a very unique mod and that catch the eye of any e-cig vaper. Done with great care from stainless steel Hammer mod  features very nice deeply engraved laser etched logos on the mod’s body, button and top cap. The Hammer clone is an amazing piece of work and truly emulates the look of the real thing, you will not be disapointed!

Friday, 28 March 2014

We continue to present the upcoming product !!
The new Kayfun 3.1 by LAMBO is designed to make rebuilding very easy . The flavor of your liquids are enhanced due to the cone design. Features of the Kayun 3.1 include airflow control, fill hole on the side for E-Liquid, screw on and universal drip tip options, and liquid collector base.

Thursday, 27 March 2014


Today we are proud to introduce MARAXUS MOD to our shop

The Maraxus Mod mechanical mod that consists of several body parts that can be rearranged to form a different looking device.

With telescopic tubes and removable parts, the Maraxus MOD can fit any 18350, 18500 or 18650 battery. The threads on this device are some of the best we've ever felt, with no perceptible squeaking or crunching. All in all, the Maraxus hits, and looks, like a monster. A mod of this quality at this price is a steal!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Liqueen from

With the new delivery to a collection tastes
  of company liqueen available in store
I wanted to present a few unique flavors

very juicy and persistent flavor grenade long-lasting in the mouth


the taste of juicy lemons picked fresh from the tree

Taste very refreshing and a stimulating

a full range of fruit of the distinct note of forest fruits

New liquids best to try out our latest claromizer    SS Steam Turbine

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

E-Cigarette Batteries EGO-C TWIST 1100

Picking a battery for your e-cigarette, is a hard work. Once you have established that you will be buying e-juce, it’s a case of finding the right ecig and this, unfortunately, means picking the right battery for you., offer the EGO-C TWIST 1100 battery   and with an approximate 800 - 1000 puffs  per battery charge, it is okay to be impressed. We put to charge overnight so we aren’t sure if it would have lasted right through until the next morning, but it’s still a pretty good battery. It does take a whopping 4 hours to charge, and occasionally found that it was even longer than that, so an overnight job is definitely necessary.
The  EGO-C TWIST 1100 battery   is great for constant usage throughout the day but it’s a long battery. Measuring  11,4cm, 16cm if you include Clearomizer Innokin iClear30. We often found that we sacrificed the long battery for the small sized ones during the day to make it easier to get away with a few puffs so it might be worth for home use.
That’s the thing about the batteries with your ecigarettes, it is all very good and well looking for the longest lasting battery you can find but you need to remember that this will mean that the battery is often longer in length too.
Important things that you do need to remember when choosing the right battery or brand of battery for your e-cigarette usage:

Quality  the battery is going to be the thing that keeps your E-cigarette going. It will provide you with the steam , the taste, the throat hit ,so the wrong battery is going to mean a poor e-smoking experience. If the battery  is cheap made, there is a good chance that you will have a bad experience with it.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Finding The Best E Liquid

E liquid works best enjoyed when you find a flavor you enjoy and a nicotine level that satisfies your cravings. There are hundreds of different flavors available , buying the best e liquid flavor is easy when you narrow down the selection to only the highest quality as LIQUEEN and Blu-Mist

Nicotine liquid, also known as ejuice or eliquid, can be flavored to suit any taste or mood. E-smokers enjoy the unlimited flavor combinations and the different nicotine levels that can be suited to any taste . Heavy E-smokers might enjoy a higher number while light smokers or people who are weening off the nicotine may enjoy the lower strengths.

E liquids flavors range from tobacco and cigar flavor, to sweet and sugary. Some are made to simulate actual cigarettes, and come in flavors like regular tobacco and menthol. Then there are flavors such as vanillastrawberrycoffeefruits .

Try out our liquids and feel their amazing flavors
                                             Visit ------>

LiQueen Ejuce

Sunday, 16 March 2014



From Blue-Mist - one of the leading manufacturers on the electronic smoking market, approved by Joytech - the ablosute specialisit in the electronic cigarette industry known worldwide, comes this unique e-liquid bearing the original taste of cuban cigars that are considered to be the best in the world. With this e-juice you can now make your e-cig taste just like Cuba's most famous export product. The taste is guaranteed by a special formula developed at Blue-Mist laboratories to reflect the falvour of natural extract. Try it today and don't worry about any harmful effects of tobacco's smoke! This e-cig liquid is suitable for all of the devices available on our site.

                                       Visit ------>

E-Cigarette Vision Spienner

We are proud to present the perfect electronic cigarette starting kit. Brought to you by Vision - leading manufacturer on the e-smoking market that guarantee the best quality and durability of their components. This double pack has everything you need in order to begin your adventure with absolutely harmless smoking! The set fatures two Vivi Nova Slim Clearomizers - an absolute novelty on the market, prominent due to their high capacity (over 2 ml) and producing large amounts of high density steam bearing the flavour of your choosing. Equipped with a reliable and long lasting upper heating module that will make the best out of your e-liquid's flavour. For your convenience both devices are fully dismountable in order facilitate keepeng your device clean and ready to go. To power them up we have picked for you the Vision Spinner Batteries with adjustable voltage posing as a considerable competition for a broad variety of different mods barely available on the market. And to charge it all up - an original two-piece power adapter - USB cable and a regular 230V plug to make it possible to charge your e-cig wherever and however you like. With this starter kit the only thing you need to do is pick a liquid of your favourite flavour and enjoy its full aroma brought to you by dense high quality steam.
If you are interested please visit our shop