Sunday, 16 March 2014

E-Cigarette Vision Spienner

We are proud to present the perfect electronic cigarette starting kit. Brought to you by Vision - leading manufacturer on the e-smoking market that guarantee the best quality and durability of their components. This double pack has everything you need in order to begin your adventure with absolutely harmless smoking! The set fatures two Vivi Nova Slim Clearomizers - an absolute novelty on the market, prominent due to their high capacity (over 2 ml) and producing large amounts of high density steam bearing the flavour of your choosing. Equipped with a reliable and long lasting upper heating module that will make the best out of your e-liquid's flavour. For your convenience both devices are fully dismountable in order facilitate keepeng your device clean and ready to go. To power them up we have picked for you the Vision Spinner Batteries with adjustable voltage posing as a considerable competition for a broad variety of different mods barely available on the market. And to charge it all up - an original two-piece power adapter - USB cable and a regular 230V plug to make it possible to charge your e-cig wherever and however you like. With this starter kit the only thing you need to do is pick a liquid of your favourite flavour and enjoy its full aroma brought to you by dense high quality steam.
If you are interested please visit our shop

1 comment:

  1. I believe t-priv is one powerful ecig starter kit, that produces more vapor than you'll ever need. On the other hand, it is quite a simple product as well, really easy to use. To sum it up, eleaf istick pico 25 kit review works great and lasts for a long time. Definitely our #1 pick and we vape it all the time.
